Project Closure


Identify and Allocate Actions from the PIR

Ensure the recommended and agreed actions from the PIR are completed.
  • PIR Report
    1. Gain agreement to the report.
    2. Identify who will be responsible for ensuring the actions are completed on time.
    3. Allocate the actions.
  • Action list

The report, and the recommendations within, may need some discussion. Eventually you should gain agreement (or disagreement) to each recommendation. From the recommendations will flow actions.

It is important to have an owner for all the actions. Someone or some department must have responsibility for monitoring all the actions and making sure they are completed. This is usually a PMO however it could be assigned to a Project Manager as a small project.

Each recommendation may involve multiple actions across a number of people. For every action, there should be one person responsible and a due date.

PIR Action List Spreadsheet to manage action items

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