Phase Zero


Produce High Level Scope

To make a first attempt at defining the scope
  • Concept Paper
  • Interviews
    1. Review existing materials including notes from the interviews
    2. Produce a High Level Scope Document
  • High Level Scope Document

Although much work has been done, this will be a first attempt to put a fence around the scope. While some issues remain unresolved regarding the scope, these can be managed by making some assumptions and ensuring these assumptions are documented. The High Level Scope will evolve over time into the final scope for the project. This can then be managed and any changes treated as a variation which is submitted to a proper change control process.

It is not uncommon for the first draft of the High Level Scope Document to be modified by the time the Phase Zero Report is approved. Approach this document on the basis that it is easier to modify something that exists than it is to work with an undocumented concept. You cannot rely on something that only exists as individual interpretations of what people might perceive the project to be.

There is a logical connection in the way the scope is documented.

  • The starting point is to define the business problem.
  • An outcome is how the world will look when the business problem is resolved.
  • In order to achieve the outcome, certain things have to be delivered. Some are delivered to the organisation as an output of the project, and some are internal project deliverables. An internal deliverable may be a project plan, or a risk assessment, or a requirements document.
  • To know if we are successful, we need to set measurable targets or objectives
  • There will be things that might be mistaken for being in the project and we need to define if they are in scope or out of scope
  • There will be immovable things we need to work about so we need to list constraints
  • We must assume some information in order to plan. These are the assumptions
  • There will be critical success factors or things that must happen or the project will fail
  • No project happens in isolation. This project may be dependant on something else, or another project may be dependant on this project
High Level Scope Documentation of the scope of the project
Determining the scope A white paper on determining the scope of a project. Provides a checklist of things to consider.
Scope Tips Tips in defining the scope of the project
Vision, Business Problem, Outcome and all that stuff A white paper on how to align a project with the organisation. Starts at the corporate vision and links it to a project

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